A better way to connect Individuals with your sporting and entertainment events.
UniLync Connect
When it comes to managing events around sports and entertainment, it is critical to educate your community about exciting upcoming attractions. Our Connect feature offers easy ways to promote important information about your event. Utilize our tools to send email, text, and voice notifications to large groups of individuals to inform them of event schedules, fees, promotions, and more. Or, utilize the segmentation feature to send out notifications to smaller groups, such as vendors, volunteers, and staff.
Our Connect feature will help notify individuals about:
- Promotional offers
- Game and event schedules
- Ticketing and membership fees
- Vendor information
- Volunteer information
- Changes in scheduling
- Important dates and deadlines
UniLync Collect
Unilync Collect allows you to easily manage invoicing notifications and payment processes for your sporting and entertainment events through one easy application. Send out payment notifications and reminders, as well as have the ability to receive payments from outside parties, such as vendors and attendees.
Utilize the Collect feature to conduct the following:
- Ticketing and membership fee notification
- Process payments
- Payment reminders
- Payment confirmation